Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This is the chart my roommates use to decide how to deal with objects.

I know it's none of my business; they're not my prematurely brittle tortillas and unspreadable peanut butter, it's not my unused black-and-white film. Still, when The Unfridgables are edging out my cherries, my hummus and my bowl of underpants, it's hard not to get annoyed.


Anonymous said...

Hey, nemba when you never ate hummus OR guacamole?

You're like a new woman!

Brian James said...

We were told in my photo class to keep our black and white film in the fridge. I don't remember if I bothered. But if I were living alone, attempting to attract women...yeah, I would totally go out and buy black and white film, and then when she went to get a beverage, I would be like "Oh that? That's just my black and white film." And then she would think I'm a fancy artist...until she discovers that I primarily work with digital photography now.